Hello to the internet world. A bit of forewarning: this post is less theatre, more vain ramblings of a twenty-something, given the power of THE BLOG! ...If that didn't make sense (and I'm sorry if it did) then let me explain. My name is Vinny, I'm the new Artistic Producing Intern here at PF. What does an "Artistic Producing Intern" do, you ask? Well that means I do pretty much anything and everything I am needed for. Yes, of course it's vague! I'm an intern! No one really knows what we do. One of my jobs (in between my acting as a work-horse, and lackey [I kid, I kid]) is to be a cool and hip new voice to the social networking world. That isn't to say that this place wasn't doing well on its own, but I will certainly not complain to having a job that includes checking up on Facebook and Blogspot throughout the day.
This is me! Oddly, it's hard to find a photo of me smiling. |
So let me tell you a bit about myself, and my background. I'm a recent college grad, holding degrees in both Theatre Arts and Communication from Monmouth University in lovely West Long Branch, New Jersey, just down the street from the Atlantic Ocean. Waaaaait, a second. New Jersey? That's right. Someone from the Jersey Shore... named Vinny; do go on! Well, since you asked: I come from a typical Italian-American nuclear family. I have two brothers, two parents, a dog, and huge family gatherings every holiday. Anyway! After graduating, I did what many who leave the educational setting wondering what I'm doing with my life, and when my academic mentor sent me a link to an internship across the country, I jumped at the chance and applied. Being an aspiring playwright, this seemed like the perfect opportunity. After a few phone calls, and a Skype interview I landed myself a new internship half-way around the world.
I've been here for two weeks, and I'm still trying to find my footing, but the Bay Area has certainly been very welcoming for this 22-year-old vegan, and I couldn't be happier with the area, the theatre scene, and my internship. I look forward to keeping all of you theatergoers in the loop about the goings on here for the next year, so here's to new beginnings, new friends, and trying to not get lost on the MUNI!