Friday, December 15, 2006

Call for Submissions: Hatchery Festival

(please distribute)

The Hatchery in Washington, DC seeks scripts for its 2007 festival of new works. The Hatchery is the only company in the nation's capital dedicated to incubating, cultivating, and celebrating the craft of the emerging playwright.

Last summer's inaugural festival featured workshop productions of three new plays by three emerging playwrights. This summer, we hope to discover three exciting new works from three early-career writers to feature as workshop productions in our festival, which will run from August 1 through 19, 2007, in Washington, DC. These three chosen works will go through a full developmental process, from dramaturgy and developmental readings through casting, rehearsal and fully-staged workshop productions. Each production will have seven public performances during the Festival. We encourage the playwrights to participate as fully as possible in all areas of the process to develop their work in a forum rarely available to emerging writers. Selected playwrights will receive a small honorarium for their participation.

We welcome your submission to The Hatchery Festival 2007. Please email your play to Submissions will be accepted through February 1, 2007. For more information about the Hatchery, visit


· a copy of your entire full-length play in pdf, Microsoft Word, or OpenOffice Write format. The Hatchery only accepts electronic submissions at this time.

· a brief synopsis of your play.

· an outline of the play's developmental history (if existing).

· playwright biography and theatrical resume.

PLAYWRIGHTS MAY ONLY SUBMIT ONE SCRIPT PER SUBMISSION PERIOD. The Hatchery may request more work samples at a later time.


· Play is full-length (one-acts or ten-minutes will not be considered at this time).

· Play has never received a full production. (A full production includes any public event centering on the script that involved a director, actors, and design elements.) The Hatchery considers staged readings and academic productions exceptions to this rule.

· Plays that have received full productions, even if they have undergone significant post-production revisions, will not be considered for the Hatchery at this time.

· Play will not be performed in a professional production between time of submission and August 2007. If the play is optioned by another company, please alert the Hatchery immediately!

PLEASE EMAIL YOUR SCRIPT TO by February 1, 2007. We look forward to reading your work!

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