Friday, April 2, 2010

Interview with a Playwright: Christopher Chen

  1. Where do you most often find inspiration?
    Thinking about death.
  1. What one tip can you offer aspiring playwrights?
    Go deep,deep,deep inside yourself. It's fun!  
  1. How did you get your start in playwriting?  Where and when was this seed planted?
    I initially entered college as a music composition major. Then I wanted to switch to English literature. Then to film. Then I stumbled upon theater which combined all these impulses nicely. I took acting, playwriting, and directing classes at Berkeley and joined an Asian American theater group. I really wanted to direct something so instead of looking for something that would fit my aesthetic, I decided it would be easier to write something on my own. I accompanied my first writing/directing debut on cello.
  1. What was your most embarrassing high school moment?
    It's all blocked out.
  1. Beckett or Stoppard? One word only please.
Christopher Chen [Incoming Resident 09/10] is a native San Franciscan. His play Into the Numbers premiered at the Beijing Fringe Festival in September 2009 (translated into Chinese), and won second place in the 2008 Belarus Free Theatre International Contest of Modern Dramaturgy (translated into Russian)…

Visit our website for more information on Chris Chen, and all of our Resident Playwrights.

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