Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Two Weekends. Eight Plays. Limitless Imagination!

Welcome to the Bay Area Playwrights Festival – a full throttle jettison into the new play universe.  

Every summer – counting 33 this year - 70+ artists gather to breathe stardust and substance into eight stellar new plays, offering their insights and talents to extraordinary playwrights who go on to illuminate the future of American theater.

We believe in the power of a living theater to stir hearts, awaken minds and unfurl the majestic beauty of hope – springing alive when we least expect it. A story has no bounds, the world can be changed, if only we can imagine it. Perhaps this is why we come together this weekend, to listen to our own stories in our own time and reflect on what lies before us.

Experience all the Festival has to offer: eight new plays, Playwrights’ TalkBack, Theater in One World Symposium & Playwriting Workshop with Marcus Gardley, crosstalk in the lobby or at the Festival bar!

Consider taking a playwright to lunch, and if you are so moved, support our festival and make a donation to Playwrights Foundation.  Enjoy!

----  Amy Mueller, Artistic Director 

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