Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More Press from The NY One-Minute Play Festival Blog!

Playwrights Foundation resident playwright, Marisela Treviño Orta talks to our friends on the East Coast, The New York One-Minute Play Festival blog about her role in next weeks FIRST Annual San Francisco One-Minute Play Festival.  She recalls her difficulty finding the right subject about which to write:
When I was first asked to submit plays to this festival I originally thought of digging up one of my prose poems. The last prose poem I wrote had been a special request of sorts. Fellow Bay Area playwright Aaron Loeb had asked several of us who were coming to celebrate his wife’s birthday to write short plays for her.
Like really short.
Like one-page short.
I opted to write a poem inspired by one of my works-in-progress because I felt sure I just couldn’t write a play that short.
Guess the joke’s on me ‘cause then I was asked to participate in this one minute play festival.
At first I looked through my poems to try and find something I could adapt into a play, even looked at the poem I had written for Kathy, but nothing seemed to fit…nothing felt…right.
I’m big on intuition when it comes to playwriting, that’s because I became a playwright quite by accident. Everything I’ve learned has been on the ground, so to speak. And it seems to me that the fewer pages you have, the more precise your writing needs to be. There’s no wiggle room here. Full lengths have lots of space to explore, ten minute plays hit the ground running establishing relationships and backstory quickly and one minute plays…well…they seem to be moments.
At least mine were.
Read the rest over at The New York One-Minute Play Festival Blog.

Come see Marisela, tons of other playwrights, and their one-minute plays NEXT WEEKEND (December 18 and 19, 2010) here in San Francisco!  Tickets are selling quick, so click here to purchase yours!

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