Monday, September 24, 2012

Music Monday: An Infinite Loop with Mike Lew

Writing and Biking. Two things Mike Lew knows a thing or two about. When we asked him to give us a playlist of music he writes to, not only did he give us a great heart bumping list, he gave us a little insight to the method behind his madness:

"Ok, so this is admittedly insane, but when I listen to music while writing it's to block out the world. (Think: big chunky headphones, maximum volume) But when I want to block out the world, the last thing I want to do is get sucked into song lyrics.

So what do I do? I pick ONE song and play it on infinite loop until it's basically background noise."

Come and meet the man behind this Music Monday as he kicks off our Fall Rough Reading Series this Monday and Tuesday with a reading of Bike America.  

This Monday, October 1 reading will be held at Stanford University in Roble Hall at 7pm. 
The Tuesday, October 2 Reading will be held at The Thick House in San Francisco at 7pm.

Readings are 100% FREE!  You can save yourself a seat and a beverage for the reading in San Francisco for a mere $20 donation, simply click here

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