Thursday, August 16, 2012

Everyone's Loving on Gordon Dahlquist

While perusing the blogosphere this morning we stumbled upon an interview between Playwright Interviewer Extraordinaire, Adam Szymkowicz and Gordon Dahlquist, whose play Tea Party was a part of the Bay Area Playwrights Festival. They talk about all sorts of things, from theater to writing a novel, writing heroes to childhood. 

Here is a little snippet from the interview that we thought was both charming and inspiring. 

Adam: Tell me, if you will, a story from your childhood that explains who you are as a writer or as a person.

Gordon: As a kid I lived for several years on the shore of Puget Sound, near a protected area of beach sand that would be flooded by the rising tide, but without the impact of waves. This allowed me to construct very elaborate sand castles that would perish in reliably slow motion: the water would rise to the top of the walls, lapping away, until with a dam-busting rush the sand would give and everything in between this wall and the next (and there were always things in between - villages, monuments, churches, rooted in false security) would be swept away. The whole process would take hours. And the next day, when the tide was out, the beach would be flattened, empty and smooth as a page.

Click here to read more of the interview. 

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