Monday, August 20, 2012

Music Monday: Aditi Kapil

Alright! Another Music Monday. Today, we present a selection of musical inspiration from playwright Aditi Kapil. Her play Brahman/i: A One-Hijra Stand-Up Comedy Show, which appeared in the Bay Area Playwrights Festival this past summer is already filled with tons of music. So it seems Music Monday is appropriate.

Unfortunately, two songs from her playlist were not on spotify. But we wanted to stay true to her playlist. I know it's not ideal but here are the two other songs.

BOTH are available on itunes if you wish to include them in your own personal playlist.

Ganpat by Mika & Anchal

Bakanja by Fally Ipupa

Do you enjoy our Music Mondays? What songs on your playlist inspires you? Share it with us.

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